To Be Under-Rated
By Steve Pain
Hmm…well Pain..yeah that’s my last name. It’s a big factor in my life. I know you can relate.Underrated, that’s me. 7 years in the indy circuit. I’ve beaten a lot of indy wrestlers, hung with the best. Even pros like Alex Koslov, Ultimo Dragon, Rey Bucanerro & Valdor Jr just to name a few. Those are just my most memorable opponents. I’ve been trained in Lucha Libre, Japanese and American Strong-Styles. I’ve worked for Torymon and AAA out of Mexico City, Mexico & wrestled in front of 20,000 fans in Arena Mexico for DragonMania , that was a dream come true, but like any wrestler you always want more.
I’ve trained at 3 different schools – at the age of 15, I started training in Anaheim, CA with a small time company known as WPW. Lucha Libre was their style. Lil Cholo trained me & taught me a lot of Lucha. I thank him for that knowledge. I was in Ladder matches, Hardcore matches & then tagged with Infernal, quickly winning the WPW Tag Team belts, which we held for about a year! Unfortunately, none of this was recorded as WPW was a low budget company and the owner was pretty shady. I soon grew out of this company after doing all there was to do there. I wanted to learn more and needed better competition. I soon discovered the Inoki Dojo, a Lucha Libre/Japanese style company with an amazing trainer known as Durango Kid….OMG!!! I learned so much, everything from Springboards, Back Flips from any rope or part of the ring, even just standing. I love to back flip all my weight onto somebody. It’s very effective and my aim is dead on. I shot straight up to the Main Event. Main eventing every show. I gained some muscle and learned my shit in the ring. I mean Japanese style plus my Lucha was so much better. After making it to the top of this promotion also, I felt an emptiness and needed more, so once again I was in search of more.
I was soon introduced to Santino Bro Wrestling Academy, the hard hitting, the respect, the love , the heart I felt every time I went to training was like a breath of fresh air! Oh man and did I need that, living under rated and sick and tired of all my actions being unseen or unnoticed. This company loves the spotlight and the spotlight loves this company! And me known for stealing the spotlight fell in love with S.B.W.A. and soon fell in love with its sister company, Evolucha!! I am having some of my best matches that I have ever had in my career………semi main eventing & proving that I am under rated living up to my name, expressing my pain and talent in each fight, knowing I belong in the main events like every other company I wanted to main event for. I shot straight to the one of the top dogs and like the Undertaker, this is his yard. I am talking about the XPW Superstar, the Human Horror Show Supreme…crazy huh? I think smart…everyone on So Cal has a fear of this man, but I have my reputation on the line and something to prove to myself and everyone else!
Stay up to date with Evolucha and find out when this match will take place. Love is Pain…Pain is only me and I want the whole world to love Pain. Steve Pain = Ratingz!
More on Steve
"The Under-Rated SuperStar" Steve Pain
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